Full Service Green.com




Kids Go Green
How many ways can you think of to "Green it"

What is a Green Building?

The buildings in which we live, work, and play protect us from nature's extremes, yet they also affect our health and environment in countless ways. The design, construction, operation, maintenance, and removal of buildings takes enormous amounts of energy, water, and materials, and generates large quantities of waste, air and water pollution.

Buildings also develop their own indoor environments, which may present some serious health challenges. Where and how they are built affects wildlife habitat while influencing the overall quality of human life.

Some of the Ways YOU Can Go Green

Helping the environment isn't just for grown-ups. We can all help and there are loads of easy ways that we can do our part. Below are some easy ways that you can "Go Green":

Turn off lights when you leave a room. Become a "Steward of the Light". Keep a record of how many times you monitor and "save" the light.

Turn off water when you brush your teeth, using only the amount you need to clean your mouth and toothbrush instead of leaving the faucet running all the time.

Set the faucet at a slow stream when washing your hands. Even better, turn it off while you lather up with soap, and turn on a slow stream to rinse.

Help sort recycling items in the trash, paper, plastic, glass, etc.

Volunteer to hang out the laundry to dry, instead of having it dried in an electric dryer.

Unplug electric items in your house before going to sleep. Of course, leave your alarm clock plugged in so you can wake up in time for school.

Use cloth or paper bags when you have to "Bag it." Using plastic shopping bags take nearly 1,000 years to decompose, and yet each year 500 billion plastic bags are used around the world.

Fun online game: www.ran.org/fileadmin/materials/education/sally/

Full Service Green
P. O. Box 3513
Fort Myers, FL 33918
Phone 239-850-1980

Copyright 2009 Full Service Green