Full Service Green.com




Florida Green Consortium Professionals
Find out about our Statewide Professionals

An Alliance of Green Professionals

FSG is a relatively new business, with collectively hundreds of years of professional experience. Our associates include seasoned professionals from all aspects of the design, construction and building industries, with special emphasis placed on what are currently considered green/sustainable products and practices. We provide a full service approach to addressing Green opportunities in existing buildings.

Florida Green Consortium

Our professionals make up what is known as the Florida Green Consortium.
Our team consists of developers, production builders, contractors, architects and engineers, photovoltaic contractors and suppliers. All have extensive knowledge and skills that are unrivaled in the industry. We offer assessment, direction and qualified professionals to any size project. Because we have associations with numerous contractors statewide, we are able to be responsive to our client's needs and time constraints. In fact, responsive client service is our hallmark.

Join Our Green Team

If you have talents and skills in the green development area, and would like to join the Florida Green Consortium of green builders, please email Frank O'Neill at
oneillfk@aol.com . We want to get you onboard for one of the most important and fulfilling experiences of your life.

Full Service Green
P. O. Box 3513
Fort Myers, FL 33918
Phone 239-850-1980

Copyright 2009 Full Service Green